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From CPA Student to Audit Assistant - The Story of Sharifah Babirye

From CPA Student to Audit Assistant - The Story of Sharifah Babirye

Dec 11, 2023

Meet Sharifah Babirye, a CPA student who became an audit assistant at Mazars BRJ, one of the top audit firms in Uganda. Learn how she overcame many obstacles and achieved her dream of becoming a certified public accountant.

CPA Uganda April Intake
Sharifah Babirye: From CPA student to Audit Assistant

Sharifah Babirye is a young professional who has overcome many challenges to achieve her dream of becoming a certified public accountant (CPA). She is currently working as an audit assistant at Mazars BRJ, a leading audit and advisory firm in Uganda. She recently graduated from CPA with flying colors, scoring the highest mark in Integration of Knowledge, the final and most comprehensive paper of the program.

Sharifah's journey to CPA started after she finished her secondary education at Nabisunsa Girls' Secondary School, one of the best schools in the country. She decided to enroll in CPA directly, without pursuing a university degree, as she was confident of her passion and potential in accounting. She faced some doubts and criticism from others who thought she was aiming too high, but she did not let that discourage her. She believed that success was not just about grades, but about striving for excellence in everything she did.

She was on track to complete CPA by 2022, but then the COVID-19 pandemic hit and disrupted her plans. Schools were closed and exams were postponed, leaving her in a state of uncertainty and frustration. She lost a whole year of studies, which could have affected her motivation and performance.

However, she did not give up. She used the time to develop herself personally and professionally, taking up a job at Mazars BRJ while continuing to study online. She faced many difficulties balancing work and studies, but she persevered and showed resilience. In August 2023, she finally completed CPA and achieved her goal. She was elated to find out that she was the top candidate of Integration of Knowledge, a paper that tested her knowledge and skills across all areas of accounting.

CPA Uganda April Intake 2024
Lessons from Sharifah Babirye's Story

Sharifah's story is an inspiration to many aspiring accountants who want to pursue CPA. She has demonstrated that with hard work, determination and a positive attitude, anything is possible. She has also shown that CPA is not just about passing exams, but about learning from challenges and growing as a professional. She is now looking forward to advancing her career at Mazars BRJ and contributing to the accounting profession in Uganda.

Tips for Aspiring and Continuing CPA Students

Sharifah has some tips for those who want to join CPA or are already on their CPA journey. She advises them to:

  • Have a clear vision of why they want to pursue CPA and what they want to achieve with it.

  • Be prepared to work hard and sacrifice some leisure time for studies.

  • Seek guidance and support from mentors, tutors, peers and family.

  • Stay updated with the latest developments and trends in accounting and business.

  • Be confident in their abilities and not let others' opinions affect their self-esteem.

  • Be flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances and challenges.

  • Celebrate their achievements and learn from their mistakes.


Ms. Sharifah Babirye was interviewed by Mr. Abraham Malinga.

Story as Published in CPA Connect Magazine, Issue 11 December 2023

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